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Wednesday, 9 April 2008

My Toyota's fixed, finally! After all I've gone through with cars and trucks, running out of gas, stalking policemen (long story, different day ;-), it turned out to be a 30.00 timing belt and only a half days worth of work for Kevin. I thought the engine had blown, so this was a pleasant surprise! Now we've got the two auto's again! Yip yip!  

Yesterday, on my day off, we picked it up from James' house, after filling our faces at the chinese buffet. I drove the Toyota to work today, because it gets double the gas mileage than the truck! I guess I'll drive it Wensdays and Thursdays, when I'm usually close to broke. It feels so different from the GMC Jimmy that I am now used to driving. It's so low to the ground and the steering and brakes are alot more sensitive. I'll be going back to driving the car full-time after the 1st of May and will use the truck still, Fridays thru Tuesdays, when I have money for gas.

In other news, Samantha had her cheerleading banquet Monday night. It was a pot luck. The 8th graders brought desserts, the JV squad supplied the side dishes and the Varsity squad, the main course. All was very yummy! I love pot lucks because there is such a variety of things to try! They each got a certificate and Cheerleading T-shirt with the school's logo. Samantha and her friend Katy are going to a cheerleading camp at Virginia Tech. It will be taught by Tech cheerleaders and the end reward for joining is they get to cheer at a pre-game show for Va Tech Football. The girls, of course are ecstatic! Sami will be entering High School this year and she will be trying out for the JV squad next month.... She spent the evening last night outside practicing her jumps and gymnastic skills. I really hope she makes it. I think she will, myself, she's pretty good, but there's always that slight chance that something will go wrong and that would truly suck and she would be heartbroken!


Posted by chrisseas-corner at 11:13 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 11:14 AM EDT
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