My 2nd 13 Thursday
Topic: 13 Thursday
My 2nd 13 Thursday
Many Native Americans share the knowledge of the thirteen moons on a turtle’s back. As children they are taught to examine the segments on the back of every turtle. There are thirteen large segments which represent the thirteen moons which make up the lunar year. By counting the smaller segments around the lower edge of the shell, you will find there are 28, which represents the 28 days between new moons.
You are (and I am):
Aries 3-21/ 4-20. Element: FIRE. Day: #4. Planet: MARS. Body area : head, face, jaw. Colors: all shades of red
Good traits:
aggressive, very energetic, independent, desire to be 1st and lead, very competitive, adventurous, direct, assertive, very active and freedom loving, physical and emotional.
Not so good traits:
temperamental, rude, selfish, egotistical, arrogant, callous, self-centered, argumentative and insensitive.
Thursday's Horoscope:
With the Moon in your sign, you are driven to action, yet it's not as essential as it seems to do anything today. If you cannot get away for a retreat in the next week or so, at least set aside 10-20 minutes a day for quiet contemplation. Your thoughts are operating at a subconscious level now and it is less important for you to communicate them than it is for you to hear them. Meditation can bring increased awareness and soothe your nerves.
You are:
Taurus 4-21/ 5-22. Element: EARTH #5. Planet: VENUS. Body area: ears, neck, throat. Colors: brown
Good Traits:
Patient, practical, desire to save money, economical, persevering, reliable, hard working, dedicated, Conservative, responsible, like to collect and moral.
Not so good Traits:
Stubborn, very jealous and possessive, too preachy, greedy, materialistic and selfish.
Thursday's Horoscope:
Perhaps you've been involved with a group of people, either socially or at work, and have learned from these interactions. Now you realize that you are seeing something in a new light and you need to go back to your friends to reevaluate the issues you previously discussed. Since this Mercury retrograde falls in your 11th House of Technology, use the Internet to augment your communication.
You are:
Gemini 5-21/ 6-22. Element: AIR. Day: #6. MERCURY. Body areas: hands, arms, shoulders. Colors: green, yellow
Good Traits:
Very communicative talkative and social, playful, speedy, adventurous, very curious, logical , very active, energetic, resourceful, analytical and freedom-loving.
Not so good Traits:
Superficial, gossipy, too nervous, scattered, detached, deceptive, cold and careless.
Thursday's Horoscope:
You Geminis are particularly sensitive to Mercury retrogrades in general, and this one brings intellectual emphasis to your 10th House of Career, so you must use your brain like never before. Don't rush the process; if it seems like you should already know the answer, this is an illusion. The answers will come to you when you are ready.
You are:
Cancer 6-22/ 7-23. Element: WATER. Day: #7. Planets: MOON. Body areas: stomach, chest. Colors: whites, blue , pale
Good Traits:
Very emotional, sensitive and feeling, cautious, home-body, nurturing, mothering, caring, intuitive, humble, a dreamer. good imagination and memory, considerate & sympathetic.
Not so good Traits:
Moody, shy, too sensitive, isolated, dependent, too dreaming, depressive and possessive.
Thursday's Horoscope:
This Mercury retrograde period focuses your attention back on plans that you thought were already completed. The problem is that something was missed and it may require that you rethink everything through one more time in order to make sure that it's all still workable. Remember, you are being given an opportunity to tie up loose ends before moving ahead with a project.
You are:
LEO 7-22/ 8-23. Element: FIRE. Planet: The Sun. Day: #19. Body area: spine, back, heart. Colors: gold, orchard
Good Traits:
Assertive, confident, social, expressive, leader, courageous, competitive, creative, emotional, adventurous, determined, dedicated, energetic, persevering and adaptable.
Not so good Traits:
Arrogant, egotistical, bossy, temperamental, very jealous and possessive, extravagant and insensitive.
Thursday's Horoscope:
Your thoughts are not light and easy today. You're not content to carry on trivial conversations as if you were meeting people at a cocktail party. Instead, seek meaning from the deepest places within your own mind and from others. Indulge your interest in the mysterious so you can tap into the mother lode of consciousness. You may be revisiting issues you've already considered, but now there is more depth to your thinking.
You are:
VIRGO 8-22/ 9-23. Element. EARTH. Day #9. Planet: MERCURY. Body area: stomach, belly. Colors: silver, violet
Good Traits:
Perfectionist, neat, careful, helpful, cautious, very analytical critical and logical, orderly, patient, Hard working, organized, sensitive, caring, resourceful and inquisitive.
Not so good Traits:
Too critical and sensitive, insecure, shy, over worked, too nervous, isolated and paranoid.
Thursday's Horoscope:
This Mercury retrograde period may find you having the same conversations again and again, as you realize that others didn't even hear what you were trying to say the first time. Or perhaps you missed the essence of what you were told and now you have to hear it all one more time. Either way, don't put off an important discussion.
You are:
LIBRA 9-22/ 10-23. Element: AIR. Day #11. Planet: VENUS. Body area: lumber spine, skin. Colors: pink
Good Traits:
Very social, adaptable, Artistic, persuasive, talkative, calm, sympathetic, friendly, creative, considerate, desire to create harmony, peaceful, fun loving, balanced and comforting.
Not so good Traits:
Indecisive, superficial, too passive, fearful, socially dependent, detached, manipulating and careless.
Thursday's Horoscope:
As Mercury spends an extended period in your 6th House of Work, your mind will naturally focus on the details and attempt to reexamine a variety of job-related issues. If you are unemployed, then the emphasis can be on your current daily routine. Either way it's a practical time that you can use to add efficiency to your life. Make the most of your available time.
You are:
SCORPIO 10-22/ 11-22. Element: WATER. Day #13. Planet: PLUTO. Body area: nose, blood, genitals. Colors: black, dark reds
Good Traits:
Detecting, alert, very cautious, mysterious, intuitive, determined, fair, responsible, dedicated, very curious, Investigator, very emotional & sensitive, persevering and deep.
Not so good Traits:
Very jealous, vengeful, secretive, suspicious, very obsessive, possessive, cold and too horny.
Thursday's Horoscope:
Although you may still be in a creative phase, writer's block can cramp your style. You have too much to say and want to fit it all into a clever package. But it's not as easy as it seems. Remember that this is a gestation period and your creations may not take full form until Mercury is moving direct again toward the end of the month.
You are:
SAGITTARIUS 11-21/ 12-21. Element: FIRE. Day #14. Planet: JUPITER. Body areas: thighs, hips, muscles. Colors: denim
Good Traits:
Independent, optimistic, freedom-loving, very adventurous, loves to travel, energetic, comical, Good perception, confident, direct, competitive, exiting, bold and very curious.
Not so good Traits:
Too blunt, wasteful, lazy, obsessive gambler, careless, reckless, inconsiderate and insensitive.
Thursday's Horoscope:
Be careful about what you say at home, for although you may believe that you are being compassionate, others may not see you that way. They may think that you are only showing concern to protect your own interests. Try to understand the situation from their point of view, even if you feel vulnerable.
You are:
CAPRICORN 12-21/ 1-20. Element: EARTH. Day #15. Planet: SATURN. Body areas: knees, bones. Colors: all browns
Good Traits:
Determined, very cautions & careful, hard working, critical, calculating, responsible, fair, economical, Serious, persevering, dedicated, committed, reliable and down to earth.
Not so good Traits:
Insecure ,too serious, very jealous, possessive, shy, materialistic, vain, cold and greedy.
Thursday's Horoscope:
The Mercury retrograde falls in your 3rd House of Communication, emphasizing interactions in your immediate environment. Gently resist getting too caught up in the faster pace of events and circumstances. Remember, this may not be a great time to think through an important plan, for you could be too distracted to give it the attention it deserves. Instead, cut back on the caffeine and try to get some much-needed rest.
You are:
AQUARIUS 1-20/ 2-19. Element: AIR. Day #17. Planet: URANUS. Body areas: ankles, lower legs. Colors: neon, electric
Good Traits:
Friendly, very inquisitive, unconventional, unique, independent, freedom loving, adventurous, Very active & Energetic, good perception, exiting and intuitive.
Not so good Traits:
Too rebellious, scattered, careless, erratic, out of control, high-strung and wild.
Thursday's Horoscope:
You may want to try anything new today, but this kind of interest won't be helpful. Although you may be sorely tempted, scattering your energy now is not a sensible strategy. Revisit recent budgetary decisions over the next few weeks. Make time to attend to the practical aspects of business, balancing your checkbook and taking care of other financial details that you've been neglecting.
You are:
PISCES 2-19/ 3-20. Element: WATER. Day #18. Planet: NEPTUNE. Body areas: feet, toes, body liquids. Colors: blue, aquamarine
Good Traits:
Very sensitive emotional and feeling, compassionate, intuitive, spiritual, adaptable, kind, helpful, sympathetic, very imaginative, artistic, creative, comforting and dreamer.
Not so good Traits:
Moody, shy, depressive, very dependent, too passive, confused and delusional.
Thursday's Horoscope:
This Mercury retrograde is in your Sun sign and as such, it crowds your life with information from every corner of the universe. Your phone may be busier now; you may be involved in more discussions with more people about a wide range of topics. Your thoughts race so fast during this phase that you cannot keep up. If you have difficulty expressing yourself, just let the thoughts go. The important ones will return when the pace has slowed.
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Thirteen Thursdays
Thirteen Blogs doing Thirteen Thursday that I visited today (not counting the people on my sidebar who I usually visit daily):
This week it's things I can't possibly live without
Thirteen Items on my computer desk
Thirteen favorite actresses
Thirteen things about nothing at all
Thirteen Things about BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY
13 things about how I met my hubby
Thirteen More Stranger Than Fiction Story Ideas (Pst? Writers, Are You Paying Attention?)
Thursday Thirteen #11 - Favorite Irish Quotes
Thirteen Things Denise has accomplished this week.
Thirteen Things about Shelli
13 Times I Could Have Died
Thirteen Things I'd Do If I Could Take A Vacation From Being Me
Thirteen Things about Dana - at present....
Posted by chrisseas-corner
at 1:53 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 30 November 2006 9:13 AM EST