Topic: 13 Thursday
Thirteen Times I've been Afraid
1 Visits to the Dentist (which I am doing today and tomorrow to get my tooth fixed from the seizure fall.
2 As a little girl I saw what I thought to be the Virgin Mary (it could have been an angel or an alien) glowing in the corner of my room. I closed my eyes and when I looked back she was gone. But... she had moved to the bottom bunk of my beds. I could see the glowing jutting out below me.
3 I was very sick in 1996. A team of Doctors came into my room to tell me they were going to let "machines" do my breathing for me for awhile because my body was just too tired to do the work. I remember screaming No and I just knew that I would never wake up.
4 Any time I have had to go up in front of a Judge.
5 Every time I fly in an Airplane.
6 I was flying home to attend my Grandmothers (Dad's side) funeral. We had to change planes once. About 10 minutes before landing in PA airport the cabin filled up with thick black smoke. We had to land and make an emergency exit, luckily we were close to the airport. It turned out to be the AC unit in the cabin... BUT I had to get back on another plane, which wasn't very fun!
7 When the labor pains during childbirth got Real Bad!
8 As a child I was sleeping on my top bunk and laying on my side next to the wall. A green hand reached up from the crack between the wall and the bed, again from the bottom bunk, and grabbed my ear.
9 Saturday when I had the seizure while on vacation.
10 911.
11 Getting pulled over by the police.
12 Having the police driving directly behind me.
13 As a child I had two recurring dreams on a regular basis. The first: I was still only crawling at this point, I crawled over to pick up a fluffy white feather and it turned into a big black hairy spider and started scurrying toward me. The second: There was a devil that lived in the crawl space basement we had and he would come up the drain when I was having a bath. I was very young for this one too.
13 others doing 13 Thursday
The Thirteen Thursday Thaw
Thirteen Creams / Lotions I Use
Thirteen things Dariana did this week.
Thirteen Excuses My Children Give Me For Not Doing Their Chores And My Responses
Thirteen Things I love about the beach
Thirteen Things about Wystful 1
Thirteen of CARMEN's Favorite Travel Spots
Things I miss, or not, while living in San Diego
Melli's 13 Favorite Nail Colors
13 reasons I love my new house
Thirteen Things That Made Me Cry
Thirteen Things About Bug
Thirteen Things I Would Rather Do Than Go to the Dentist Today
There's my 13 for this week.
Leave me a comment and I'll visit your's next week too!