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Sunday, 7 January 2007
Diamonds are a girls best friend
Topic: Planning on What?

And I got one last night!

This picture doesn't really even do it justice.  It's absolutely georgous and I just can't wait to show it off!

More later, I'm going to lay down for a nap because I have a horrble headache but I just had to post this while I had the chance!



Posted by chrisseas-corner at 6:18 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 8 January 2007 8:30 AM EST
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Friday, 24 November 2006
Run run as fast as you can - you can't catch me I'm a Gingerbread
Topic: Planning on What?















Isn't this absolutely gorgeous?  Samantha made it for me for Thanksgiving in her cooking class at school!  She wants to nibble on it already but I made her promise we would wait until New Years because it's just so pretty for the holidays! 

I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with delicious food and wonderful memories.  Thanksgiving was pretty good for us this year, although it is bitter sweet because most of my family are home in Massachusetts.  We have stayed in Virginia in the past and normally eat at Kevin's parents, but this year they went off to South Carolina to visit some friends.  I'm sure they had fun and needed a nice change.  This left me cooking my own traditional Thanksgiving dinner, which I don't think I've ever done by myself and I was looking forward to it.  Oh I've cooked a Thanksgiving type dinner, sure, but not on the actual day of Thanksgiving.  Samantha chipped in and helped me cook and we had a lot of fun cooking together.  It was just Kevin, Sam and I, sharing a 10 lb turkey, which turned out to be the perfect amount.  Next to the Turkey we also had Redskin Mashed Potatoes, Summer Squash Casserole, Stuffing & Kevin made his famous Crabmeat Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms.  Samantha decided she wanted to make a Cherry Pie.  I agreed that would be yummy and picked her up a Pie shell when I was shopping but because she is in cooking class now and is learning all sorts of cooking tidbits, she decided to do the Pie from scratch.  It really came out good, much better than I could have done.  If there is one thing I'm not, I'm not a baker!  I can cook my ass off when it comes to dinners, casseroles etc. but I can't bake.  

After we ate Samantha went to her father's house so they could celebrate her birthday over there.  She should be home by about 1:30 this afternoon. 

Sunday is Sami's 13th birthday!  I didn't see her age sneak up on me - but it sure has!  Hard to believe it was thirteen years ago when my Thanksgiving equaled hard labor and a dinner of ice chips.  I went into labor the day before Thanksgiving, on the 24th and had her the day after, on the 26th.    

We are leaving this afternoon for a horseback riding trip in the Shenandoah Mountains area. 

Sam choose to do this trip, instead of a sleepover this year and I'm excited myself.  I don't have to do all the sleepover stuff this year,  including cleaning up after the normal 10 or so pre-teens, my least favorite part of the whole party.  We all can enjoy this horseback riding trip together.  One of Sami's close friends is also coming with us.  It should be a great time. 

We picked the Ramada Hotel, which is the nicest one I could find in the area.  It is complete with restaurant, bar, game room, indoor pool and exercise room. 

Horseback riding is tomorrow at 2pm - a two hour trek through the flatlands and the mountains.  When we get off the horses we plan on having a nice dinner and then doing the cake & presents at the room.        

I've only been on a horse a few times.  I took a few days of riding lessons back in 87 or so.  My Dad took me horseback riding once too, when I was about 10.  I remember loving it and I know Sami will, just as much as I did back then.  She says she is a little worried about going uphill and that the horse might trip but we have assured her that horses don't fall much and they have very steady legs.  I'm hoping she'll take right to it, like she did when we skied for the first time last winter.

I'll talk with you again on Sunday evening, when I get home.  Until then, tell me... Do you have any interesting Thanksgiving traditions or food that makes Thanksgiving what it is?           

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 11:38 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 5:14 PM EST
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