Intense Quivers
By: Samantha (my 14 year old daughter)
Dedicated to Toby
I sit here feeling all alone,
my legs shaking all the more intensely in every second.
I think about the memories we have endured and breakdown,
into a mess of tears.
I can barely see,
when I think that you will not be,
taking that morning ride in the car!
I feel numb and empty,
something’s missing.
When I think about how I will never again
see your eyes glow with the love that you have
Given us….
I only wish that love could go on forever.
When I wake up in the morning
and realize that this tragedy wasn’t a dream,
I will cry!
Because... I will never get your morning greeting...
Never again!
When I look at the things you left behind,
I feel like I can’t breathe,
I can’t think,
All I can do is remember!
When I think about where you used to lay,
under the pine tree,
I accept that I will never see you again
Laying there, content
Watching us so carefully
The feelings that come over me are intense
Overwhelming memories that
Invade my mind
I keep going back to it….
Presuming that you will never exist again
All I can do is
Remember all the fun times
And TRY not to dwell on
This heavy hearted truth.
But at this moment in time
I feel like the world around me is all a blur
Like the world has stopped
Like my whole world
Crashing down
I don’t know why
I could never understand
Why me?
The only thing I’m sure of
Is that you will
Always be in my heart!
All I have is memories
To last an eternity
To last forever
To last infinity
Come around please....
Watch over me please....
Remember me please....