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Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Bye Bye Bella Birdie - Thirteen for you!

1.  This TT is dedicated to Bella, Samantha's male (yes I know Bella is a female name) Cockatiel, who escaped Tuesday afternoon.  And is free to fly....


2.  What happened to him, you ask?  Well, he flew right out the door and I was able to watch him circle the house a few times and then he disappeared.  Gone for good, I guess, even though I have been out looking for him in the trees a few times since.  RIP again.

3.  Why is it we are losing (and sometimes gaining) animals at such a rapid pace?

4.  Just the day before the birds disappearance, Samantha and I had spent about an hour cleaning out Bella's cage!  We washed it down and all the pieces he had to play with and hanging all around him.  It looked SO good and clean!  At least it was like that for his last night.... Now the cage hanging in the window looks very foreboding. 

5.  And in other news....  I won 50.00 at the bingo I mentioned in my last post.  But... it should have been 100.00.  I called out Bingo just a few split seconds before he called the next number (and he actually looked at me when I yelled) but his words were already out of his mouth and another person won on the next number!  I had to share.  I was bummed and happy all at the same time! 

6.  I spent Monday night over at Becky's, playing Phase 10.  It's kind of becoming our game night occasionally, as I have Monday & Tuesday off and she has Tuesday off.  Phase 10 is one of my all time favorite card games that my sister Beth turned me onto.  You should try it!

7.  We had a good time... laughs and a few beers (or wine coolers in Becky's case).  I went to bed earlier than everyone else, as usual.  I can only drink a few beers anymore, before I get hungry and the minute I get eat something, sleep soon follows.  What a lightweight I am in my old age! 

8.  Next time I go to Becky's for game night I am bringing Samantha's portable boombox (although I think they have one and I'm wondering why we don't use that?) because her computer sucks for sound.  You can't even hear it if your at the computer, let alone across the room, talking and joking with everyone.  Or.... perhaps I'll bring our very happening computer speaker set-up that Kevin has now hooked into our livingroom surround sound system and is way overkill to have downstairs with the regular stereo.

9.  Tuesday morning I lazed around and read in Becky's bed for an hour or two, while she blogged and the kid's played Phase 10 again.  I was going to go out on her hammock, but I couldn't get up the energy to actually move.  We eventually got ourselves moving to go for a swim.

10.  I got my book at the library last Friday and finished it this afternoon!  That's pretty quick for me..... maybe even a record.  I have been getting VERY into reading lately and I've always been a reader.  Even moreso than TV, which is unfathomable.  TV and I have been pretty synonomous. 

11.  I am reading the Rain series by V.C. Andrews.  It's a four series set.  Rain, Lightning Strikes, Eye of the Storm and The End of the Rainbow.  Just now, while looking up the name of the fourth book, I realized a fifth in this series came out this spring!!!  Cool.  I hope I can find it.  It's called Gathering Clouds!

12.   Tuesday afternoon we went to "Thunderstruck", a local swimming hole, and cooled off.  It was a nice swim, although a little muddy.  The kids had a blast daring eachother to jump from the rocks, no injuries, thank goodness!   Next week Becky and I might take the kids to RJ Reynolds Ranch - Not the cigarette company, I don't think...... (or is it?)  It's supposed to be a place that has pools to swim and such.  I have never been there and we want to go before they go back to school and that will be in just a few weeks.  Ok now I'm curious....  What is it really called?  I don't know why I think it's RJ Reynolds!

13. Does eveyone else have such a hard time coming up with #13?  1 - 12 comes naturally but there's something about 13..... 

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 9:06 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 August 2007 - 9:18 PM EDT

Name: "Becky68"
Home Page:

R&J Ranch used to be the name of the swiming place Chris- now it's something like Riverview or some such thing! I went by there today while checking out wether carpooling with my co-worker would be cost effective for me or not.

As for the boom box- we'd have to play the radio & I like my music on my hard drive better than what the radio plays which is why we listen to the computer speakers! 

Wednesday, 1 August 2007 - 9:26 PM EDT

Name: chrisseas-corner
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The boombox is much better than not hearing anything at all.... LOL  I literally could not hear it.  But... that's why I said I would bring Kevins Computer stereo speakers next time so we both win!


Wednesday, 1 August 2007 - 9:45 PM EDT

Name: "Becky68"
Home Page:

Hi Chris- I bet Kevin won't let you take the speakers! 

In about 15 minutes the pictures from swimming will be up.

PLAN on the swimming trip next Tuesday  

Thursday, 2 August 2007 - 10:51 AM EDT

Name: "Beck68"

Hi Chris- yes I saw your bear story I also saw him on the news! or rather- her!

Sunday, 5 August 2007 - 10:51 PM EDT

Name: "kelli in the mirror"
Home Page:

Is Samantha upset about her bird escaping?  

 I had no idea the VC Andrews family was still putting out books.  I used to read them but I haven't gotten to any of the new ones.  

 And I LOVE Phase 10!


:) Michele sent me. 

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