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Friday, 29 February 2008
Why can't we all just get along?

At work last week my supervisor presented us with a Briggs-Myers personality test. Based on your answers to the 120 questions in the test, they give you a synopsis of your personality. What's your personality and what makes you tick? According to my supervisor, who is a very down to earth person, it takes one of each of the personalty types to run a succesful corporation. Sure, different personalities keeps life interesting, until, that is, it starts creating issues for no real reason. We are all very different!  Good, bad or ugly.... Some thoughts cropped up.

Are we taking this test due to the verbal knock down, drag out argument I had with a co-worker 2 weeks ago? This might be the case. We both have tremendously strong personalities, and probablly very similar. I finally had to stop biting my tongue, which I have done for close to a year now, and tell her how things were. Do they think taking this test is going to help? Why can't we all just get along?

Another verbal knock down, drag out occured the other night, with another friend of mine. Kevin and I were having fun with the test. I was reading the questions, he was guessing my answers. The friend decided to start talking a bunch of crap about the people working in offices, ie: the "corporate" world. I'm not sure if he realized that I am "one of them" - I work in the corporate world and it takes all kinds.... He thinks, and proceded to tell me bluntly and in no uncertain words, that I was feeding them information on myself. That they are analyzing my answers! That they would use these answers to determine whether I was a good worker or a good person.  This really pissed me off because he essentially was trying to tell me to fudge my own answers on my own personality test and it just struck a nerve. I'm wondering now if he thinks "corporate" is out of his league? He definately thinks of "corporate" as an authority figure? Why can't we all just get along?

I'm looking forward to getting my results. There were so many interesting questions. How much do you read? Are you the same today as you were when you were younger? How many hours do you volunteer in a month?

Volunteer? I remember what that is. I was homeschooled in 8th grade and one of Mom's ideas was for me to volunteer somewhere where I might be interested in working someday. I chose the Delmonico Nursing Home in Rockland. How many people actually volunteer these days? I'm thinking, now, that perhaps Samantha could get some good out of volunteering at an animal shelter or a vet.'s office. Her goal is to become a vet. Volunteering is good for the soul and we all should contribute  something.  It doesn't seem that many people do volunteer anymore,   including in my own life. There's just not time...  Why can't we all just "give"?

I was sitting in the truck, smoking a cigarette this evening and along walks a homeless man. I don't know if I've mentioned, but my real father chooses to be a homeless man on the streets of Hawaii (or he was a few years back, no one has had contact with him in awhile). We had a potluck lunch today and I packed up a bowl Chicken Chili, with cornbread! I rolled down the passenger window and offered the chili to him. He hadn't asked, was simply walking by, but accepted with glee and "blessed" me. I remembered my Daddy. I hope someone will do the same for him, because I can't. Why can't we all just "give"?

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 6:25 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 1 March 2008 5:26 PM EST
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Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 4:25 PM EST

Name: "craziequeen"
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Briggs-Meyers has been debunked here in the UK, although our recent 'team-building event' centred around it.

It made us frustrated 'cos it was absolute garbage and we spent two days being compartmentalised...

Michele sent me to say hello, Chrissie :-)


Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 5:06 PM EST

Name: "Carmi"
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Ugh, I remember the BMTI testing that my old company insisted on foisting on every employee. They used it as an excuse to justify why some people were absolute dickheads. My supervisors used to tell me with a straight face that I needed to give the verbally abusive analysts on my team a break because they were INFJ and not EN...whatever. What a load of garbage.

 I SO don't miss the brainwashing.

Dropped by from Michele's this afternoon to wish you a lovely weekend. You should indeed be blessed for thinking so kindly of - and acting on behalf of - the homeless gentleman.

Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 5:17 PM EST

Name: "craziequeen"
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Back again, Chrissie - the debunking was mainly based on the dependence we are putting on a 60 yr old psychometric test that can give different answers every time (because no one ever answers all the questions the same all the time!).

On our team building event it was clearly obvious that it was inaccurate as many, many people moved 'groups' after retaking the test two weeks after the inital test. Relying on these dubious results made for a farcical couple of days.


 ps, don't like your verfication thingy - it doesn't recognise the correct code. I have to keep copy and pasting into a new comment box to get a fresh code.

Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 5:31 PM EST

Name: "colleen"
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It great that you can pay it forward for your dad. I hope he's okay.  I took the test you speak of once, but I still like the Ennegram test much better (of which I'm a five and I think you and Trish came out 8).  I'd be uncomfortable if a job asked to test me, a little too Big Brother for me.

Saturday, 1 March 2008 - 6:09 PM EST

Name: "Mr. Al;thouse"
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I tried to comment using Firefox on my Mac, but the word verification did not show up... just thoughnyou might like to know.


I have had many experiences with various different "personality profiles" and i don't like any of them. I have found them to be only slightly more accurate than a horoscope - if that. But if you want to know how I really feel, you can read <a href = "">this</a> posted on my blog a little more than a year ago. 


Michele sent me.



Sunday, 2 March 2008 - 8:00 PM EST

Name: "thebluestbutterfly"
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I really appreciated this said how you felt. I hope that your father is OK...wherever he is. Michele sent me.  

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