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Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Order Away Please!
My daughters going on an 8th grade trip to NY this spring and we need everyone's help!
Samantha's next payment for her New York trip (125.00) is due on the 25th.  It's going to be tight, but we'll make it somehow. 
If you want to help out - here's a fund raising link we are participating in:  
Any orders placed from here:
will give us 40% of the profits towards the payment due on the 25th - so order away....!!!
The orders will be delivered straight to your address and it should be a secure site.
Be sure to use:
School ID / CAMPAIGN #  1004864
and put "Samantha Shockey"  (GRADE 8) for the child's name - so she gets the credit.  
(Also, if you do place an order, it would be helpful if you comment to let us know what you have ordered or the amount, or something, so that we can keep track and be sure we get the appropriate amounts.)

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 10:03 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 January 2008 10:12 PM EST
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Saturday, 12 January 2008
Broken Ribs

Wow - when I wrote that, I had no idea what I was in for!  "ouch" is an understatement.   I have had really a rough few weeks.  Rib pain, due to fracture (or four ribs fractured, I should say....), has got to be one of the worst pains I've ever felt... right up next to childbirth. Unfortunately, so many people abuse pain medications (and I'm not saying that I haven't myself, in the past), but when you really need them, Dr's are leary to give them out - or give out too many~  It truly sucks!  I have an injury that supposebly will hurt for 6 weeks. I'm into week 3, with not much relief yet and have had to go to the ER numerous times because they only want to give out 12 pain pills at a time.  Give me a break!!!   Your supposed to follow up with your family physician, but what do you do when you have no insurance, no family Dr. and can't afford to see that a Dr. that requires money up front?  Suffer... or revisit the ER ~ It's truly a horrible predictament and if I weren't in so much pain, I'd truly be pissed, but it hurts to much to be pissed, or laugh, or cry, or cough, or sneeze. 

I'm ok though.  I'm fighting a little battle with some fluid in my lungs (caught on xray) but I'm dealing and I think that the fluid issue is clearing up, as I am able to cough and deep breathe better, as time goes on.  It feels like its letting up some in my lungs.

So... what was the guess on the accident report?  Actually what happened was kind of freaky... I went out to the German Shepherd (Toby) because he was twisted around in his chain and he managed to twist me up, while I was untwisting him and as he shot forward to get unhooked, took me down in a clean sweep.  He is, of course, over 100 lbs!! 

I am mad I missed the Round Robin this time around (I'll be back).

The topic for the Round Robin photo this week was "trains" - if only I had looked because Monday I drove the 3 hour trip to Richmond, to pick Sami up at Amtrak.  She's home from her holiday vacation!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 9:03 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 12 January 2008 9:45 PM EST
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Sunday, 30 December 2007
Most Recent

Well the most recent thing in my life is I managed to fracture three ribs....

Promise to post about it Wednesday or Thursday, when I'm back at work but until then, you'll just have to wonder - unless of course you are one of those chosen few that are already in "the know".

Love to all!

Stay Pain Free ~ I totally wish I were.

*no that's not my real xray, so don't go trying to look for the breaks in it :-)

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 10:31 PM EST
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Saturday, 29 December 2007
Round Robin Challenge



My daughter Samantha!



(this one was obviously taken with my cell phone - but what the heck...and so be it.... and all that crap!)


Posted by chrisseas-corner at 9:24 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 29 December 2007 9:29 PM EST
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Monday, 24 December 2007
Christmas Eve

Before you do anything, you have to check out this Christmas card!

Christmas Story 

Gather the Children around the computer, if you have some and if not, enjoy a little Christmas story yourself! 

So how are you spending your Christmas eve?  Do tell.... Do comment and let me know how your spending the night?

I almost like Christmas eve better than the actual day!  It feels special somehow, even when I'm not in the spirit, like this year... 

I am at Becky's for the holidays - not quite as good as being home for the holidays, but Becky is family to me too, so it's nice to be with loved ones!  I've known her since I was about 11 or 12, she lived down the street from me in massachusetts. 

I just called Samantha and she is having a great time!  They had the traditional Chinese food on Christmas  Eve. and I'm sure she will be headed to bed early in her homemade, matching my little sisters, pajamas. My Mom made us girls (4 of us) matching Christmas pajamas for many many years, which we were able to open on Christmas eve and she has passed that tradition down to my girl and my little sister stills gets some too, even though she is like 25!  But she's the baby, and always will be. 

Our plan is to wrap and wrap and more wrap!


Posted by chrisseas-corner at 7:36 PM EST
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Sunday, 23 December 2007
I Heart Hotel Rooms

My weekend in the hotel is over and I wish it weren't.  There is something about staying in motels that I just love.  If I weren't a Mom, I probablly could very easily live in one.  I'm not really sure what it is that I love about motels, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I can completely relax - no worries - no worrying about straightening the house, who might come to my door, what others are doing etc etc.  Being in a motel shuts me off from the reality of life and I enjoy it immensly.  I know that probablly sounds weird, but it's true.  It might also have to do with the fact that as a little girl my Dad would take me on the weekends and we traveled alot to do fun stuff, which included staying at hotel's alot. Maybe it's the safety I would feel being with my Dad, when I didn't normally have him by my side and the motel room brings back those thoughts and feelings.

Do you think I'd make a good shrink?

I have to take plans one day at a time, now that I'm transportationless because I have to rely on others assitance.  I live 45 minutes from work and there is no such thing as public transportation in this neck of the woods.  Becky is the closest thing I have to family around here, with the exception of my aunt, Colleen.  We live too far apart for me to ask her for help and her life is so full that I wouldn't feel right even asking her for help, even though she'd probably help in a blink of an eye.  I'm pretty sure that if lived or worked closer, she would be very willing to help out.   

Tonight I'm spending the night with Becky.  She is picking me up at work when she gets out of work and tomorrow I am going to try to get the other car I own started.  I know it has flat tires and a dead battery, but I'm not sure about anything else.  It'll be interesting to see if it cranks right up or not, with a jump.  I'm sure the gas isn't good, after sitting for a few years, but you never know. 

I am beginning to really get frustrated with the whole car situation.  My regular obligations have had to be put on the back burner and I know I'm going to pay the costly price for that.  It's a vicious circle.... I have to drive in order to work and without work nobody gets anything. They aren't getting anything now, because I have to get back on the road.  I am trying to have faith, but it's hard.  I'm trying to remember that, again, everything happens for a reason and what is supposed to happen will.  And again...  it's so hard to see the lesson and the good in a situation until you look back on it. Right now it doesn't feel like there is any good in my situation, but someday soon, I'll look back and it'll be right there for me to see!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 5:45 PM EST
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Friday, 21 December 2007
Topic: Went Where? Did What?

3 am we set off for Richmond. The first hour of the trip was pretty bad.  It started sleeting and snowing about an hour or so before we left and the highway was VERY slick.  I was very tense the whole way up 81, which was heavily traveled for 3 am.  The trucks on 81 drive like nuts too.  I think they are all young, new, inexperienced CDL drivers because we have an accident, usually, at least once a day within a 100 mile radius of Roanoke.  The truckers drive like they are in sportscars! 

Once we got onto 64, which leads right into Richmond, it was smooth sailing, without a drop of weather.  It's amazing what a difference a few miles can make.  We were able to makeup time and we arrived exactally as planned.   

I have not yet slept - I woke up at noon Thursday and worked all Thursday evening, headed to Richmond and back to Roanoke for work this evening.  I rented a motel room so that I wouldn't have to worry or bother others about getting back and forth to work all weekend.  Needless to say I'm feeling slightly on the tired side...   but luckily I don't seem to require as much sleep as most.  I'll be leaving here and heading to my hotel in about a half hour  and am now at work for about another half hour - after that I'll be snoozing!  So, until tomorrow.....

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 7:32 PM EST
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Thursday, 20 December 2007
13 Goings On
Topic: 13 Thursday

1.  F O R D

2. I don't have a Ford but my car can be now Found On Road Dead!  It's kaput, I do believe.

3. We had thought it was the distributor acting up again but the cam, which turns the distributor and is a very active part of the engine, is not spinning at all.  I've pretty much given up on it. 

4. Becky shown here:


and read here has been my saving grace. Because we work close to the same hours, she has allowed me to drop her off at work and take her car to work all week.  A very grateful THANK YOU to Becky!  


5. Becky has also agreed to share in the experience of driving to Richmond to get Samantha to the Amtrak station for her Christmas trip to her Nana's house. 

6. We leave at 3 a.m. tonight (well actually tomorrow morning). Sami's train leaves at 8 a.m.  It's a good 3 1/2 hour trip and because she is an "unaccompanied minor" she has to be there an hour early to be interviewed, so they can be sure she is mentally "fit" to travel unaccompanied. 

7. Next year she will be considered an adult - 15 - for traveling purposes, which I won't like because I love the security required when she travels as a minor.

8. In addtion to being interviewed, any unaccompanied minor has to wear a special bracelet, sit in a special area near the conductor, must travel during daylight hours, can not take a train that requires a train change or a layover and the person picking the child up must be the person stated when the child was dropped off and an ID must be shown. Sami loves to travel on the train and I feel pretty secure letting her.

9. As for the car, or my lack thereof, Becky is off on Fridays and Saturdays, so this weekend I'm kind of at a loss as to how I am going to get back and forth. I might get a cheap motel and stay downtown or I might stay with a friend.  The motel would be much more comfortable - but obviously more costly... so I'm not quite sure which I will do yet. 

10. All I know for sure, at this point, is I have to be here at work Saturday morning and Sunday morning, so there isn't much sense in getting rides back and forth to home, which is about a 45 minute drive each way.

11. I own an Accura Legend, which has been parked at Becky's since I left her house a few years ago, but I don't have the title to it.  I do plan to try and get it road worthy though.  I don't have many other options at this point. 

12. I went to the DMV today and got paperwork to file the car as abandoned, which it kind of is, per say. It will also need some maintenance to get it up and running again, just due to the amount of time it has sat not being used.  It has flat tires (just a loss of air) and the battery is dead, so Monday I plan on doing some maintenance to it.  I hope everything pulls together as it should.  It's no fun being transportationless!  With Christmas on Tuesday, I obviously won't be messing with the car - so I guess I'll stay home and relax.

13. Not a very exciting Christmas, I must say, but with everything going on, I'm actually releaved that I have no commitments this year.

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 3:56 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 7:16 PM EST
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Sunday, 16 December 2007
Broke Down going Up
Topic: Arrrggh!

I have an 89 Camry, which is old, but drives like new.  There aren't all that many miles on it, at least not for a Toyota, so I don't mind it, it's not a bad little running car.  But... Saturday morning it started mishaving again.  I live on top of a mountain and in order to get home from work, I must go up!  My lil Camry apparently wasn't in the mood to go Up anymore.  It would only chug along at like 45 mph, even on the interstate.  It was fine in flat areas and of course was great going downhill, but not up!  So... I'm dealing with it.  I've had this happen twice before and for some reason it loses power and runs on only 3 cylinders instead of 4. 

So anyway... I drove home from Roanoke twice Saturday, with it going ever so slow up hills, and although it was annoying, I was able to handle it, knowing that Kevin could looked at it again on Monday or Tuesday, my days off.  This morning it got me half way to work, about a 45 minute drive, when it finally decided to chug it's last hill.  I got to the very top and was so so so so looking forward to sailing down the other side.... when the RPM's dropped and it died right there, on the tippity-top of the hill. 

$60.00 later, it was towed to Evil Trucks house and awaits repair now.  Becky is picking me up at work and I'm spending the night at her house so that I can take her to work tomorrow and borrow her car to go fix mine....  Samantha, who spent the weekend at her friend Dani's is now staying another night, on a school night, so I'm sure she's excited about that! I am praying it won't take too much to repair - too much money or effort, and I'm trying not to think of that fact that I have to take Samantha to Richmond on Thursday or Friday to get on an Amtrak so she can spend her Christmas vacation at her Nana's, which could be another disaster in and of itself!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 7:16 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 16 December 2007 7:23 PM EST
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Saturday, 15 December 2007
Round Robin Challenge








Go to the link on my sidebar to play too!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 5:41 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 16 December 2007 4:40 PM EST
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Friday, 14 December 2007
My Very First Friday Fill-in
Topic: Stuff

Becky (see side bar for more information) plays the Friday fill-in. Although I didn't want to mention it, so as not to jinx myself, I am trying to post daily (with the exception of my days off, Mondays & Tuesdays), so I am joining in:

1.  Away in a manger, no room for a stranger 

2.  Dashing (or not) through the snow in a 7 hour traffic jam!

history:  My sister Molly sent me a text yesterday evening.  She was stuck in a wicked (and I mean wicked) traffic jam, trying to get home from work in Boston. She left work when the snow started, around 1 p.m., and made it home by 8 p.m.! I have complete empathy for her. The year of Samantha's birth and the day of my babyshower, I left the NH/Mass. border at around 1 p.m. and  I arrived in Rockland at about 5:45 p.m.  If you knew the area, you'd know the trip should have been a breeze at 1 p.m., but it took me 4.5 hours to get there!

3.  Hark! The herald angels sigh

4.  It's coming on Christmas and I wish I were in the spirit

5.  When I was small I believed in Santa Claus, though I knew I was too old

history: Last year was the first year I didn't "believe". My sister beth was born when I was ten and I had to "believe"... right about the time she didn't "believe" along came my sister Molly and need I say, once Molly didn't "believe" here comes Samantha!

6. That Christmas magic has brought this tale to a magical close

7. And as for this weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a bonfire at *Evil Trucks house, tomorrow my plans include being snowed or iced in, be it at **work or at home and Sunday I want to still be ***snowed in!

*My name, being Christine makes me an Evil Car, based on the Steven King novel.  Evil truck drives a truck.  His name is not Christine but if he is calling me evil car then he is an evil truck!  Wink

**I have blankets here and a couch and not only do I need the hours but I need to be able to get back here for Sunday's obitituaries. The snow is supposed to start in the afternoon, so chances are I will be here vs. home around the time it starts.

*** Bring it on!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 7:41 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 14 December 2007 7:47 PM EST
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Thursday, 13 December 2007
Exersoles and Levi Cords
Topic: Blog Fodder


I stopped by to visit Blog Fodder, a game I used to play.  But the last entry was done in July.  Guess I'm a little late, but better late than never.....


So anyway...


What fashion trend you followed was very cool then, but now looks
Karen wanted to know.



My first thought was: 

Exersoles & Levi Cords. 

It was the 80's and I wouldn't be caught in anything but…. OMG, or better yet, WTF! 

Exersoles were “earth shoes” of sorts, made by Thom McCann (remember them?), they had thick rubber soles and the cool thing was to write all over the soles, which were over an inch thick so you could see them well.  


Although I couldn't find an exact photo, they were similar to these:


  Only the soles were even fatter... more like these:












Ugh.    Oh and another one:

How totally bodacious we were in our mini skirt with lacy ankle socks and high heeled pumps! 

And… how about Leg warmers! 


The 80’s were just so… so… I can’t even find the words.  I would be willing to bet those fashions will come back soon though. 

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 10:07 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 15 December 2007 5:56 PM EST
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Chorus Concert
Topic: Samantha n Company

Sami's chorus concert was Tuesday night.  It was really good!  The Christmas music almost put me into the spirit.... 



Sam is so talented and so involved this year.  I am very proud of her.  Not only is has she been on the honor roll for the first two semesters, she is a cheerleader, is in a mentoring program for the kindergarteners, does chorus and most recently joined journalism. 

Sam's article is called "How to Deal" - Here is her first:




















All her life she has been talking about being a Vet. but recently she has showed an interest in journalism as well.  She is planning on majoring in her Vet. training and minoring in Journalism in college.  I guess I better start saving that cash!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 3:54 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 13 December 2007 4:01 PM EST
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Sunday, 9 December 2007
Me Me (why do they call it that?)
Topic: Stuff

1. Christmas is:  A time for family

2. In memories, what was the best part of your Christmases past?

My sister Kim and I would wake up very very early on Christmas morning, too early, and we knew it.  I don't remember if we tried to get them up and were told to come back at 7 or if we just knew instinctively that it was way too early, but we would wait.  We would play games until the time came.  I remember playing that "memory" game where you turn over cards and try to remember where they are located and also "Who's It" (not the correct name) where you would use clues to figure out which character your opponent picked to be.  The anticipation was electric!!!!

We weren't allowed in the living room until Oz and Mom were awake and Oz would go out and light the tree before we could pounce.   

3.  Was Santa ever good to you?

Most definately

4. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or both?

Gifts are for Christmas day. 

We did each get one gift to open on Christmas Eve though, another special tradition I should have thought of above.  Mom made each of us girls match pajama's to wear overnight.  The most comfortable... snuggly PJ's.  I miss them SO much!!!  Mom has carried the tradition onto my daughter and makes matching jammies for my daughter and for my little sister Molly, who was the only girl still at home for the past few years.  Another one of my sisters, Beth, has also continued the tradition.  She is a sewing expert and makes PJ's for her kids for Christmas Eve too. The few times I wasn't at home in Mass. for Christmas I bought Sami her new PJ's, but she got them, just like I did. 

5. Is there something you make each and every year? [craft or recipe]

Reindeer dust.  My sister Beth started this tradition with her babies and they shared it with Samantha, so they make it every Christmas eve.  It's an oatmeal and glitter mix and it attracks the reindeers.  On Christmas eve you take the dust and sprinkle it on the front lawn.  It looks best when there's snow on the ground - but either way, the reindeers are very attracked to it! 

6. What are your favorite five Christmas songs/hymns?

Honestly, I'm not really all that into Christmas carols.  I do like the more current ones, if any at all. 

7. Is there a new tradition for Christmas since your childhood days?

Tracking Santa for my niece and nephew at Norad.Com.  Have you ever been there?  On Christmas Eve if you go to this website it will give you Santa's whereabouts as he travels all over the world.  In other countries it's daytime when it's our nighttime so you get to watch Santa fly all over the other continents.   

8. Describe one of your Christmas trips. [whether it’s across town or across country]

Most every year is a trip home for me but I'd have to say my most interesting trip was in 1993.  Samantha was 1 month old and we actually lived up in the Mass. area and were making the trip to Va. to visit Eric's (Sam's Dad) parents.  We were to meet Clinton in Washington D.C. For no other reason than he wanted to drive his brand new Thunderbird on a road trip.  So that's what we did.  We met them and I followed Clinton down the road.  Still to this day, I'm not quite sure why they wanted to drive to DC and have us follow them.  We had made the trip many times, it's not like we were going to get lost...  Anyway, in Clintons car was himself, Trish (his wife), her son, Patrick and Shannon (Eric's sister) and Jeffrey (Erics sisters' boyfriend) all packed into this Thunderbird. In mine was Eric and myself and Sami, only one month old.  She did great and of course slept most of the trip down to Va.  We were about 2 hours away from Roanoke when we stopped to get some gas and munchies. From the time we went into the store, to the time we came out, which couldn't have been more than 10 minutes - the roads had frozen over to solid black ice.  We debated what to do, after watching dozens of cars slip and slide and debated too long because they shut down 81, leaving us with one option, which was to drive the roller coaster looking backroad.  It was well traveled, but very "up and down hill" and not one bit condusive to ice.  I could tell you more, but to make a long story a little shorter, we (all 8 of us) split a motel room and completed the trip in the morning!  

9. Do you have a special Christmas outfit to wear for the day?


10. Have YOU or any of your family members sat on Santa’s lap?

Not this year

11. What is/or will be on your Christmas tree this year?

White lights and new ornaments.  My Mom bought me a theme for my birthday.  She does a "theme" tree every year and I wanted one too.  Mine is Angels and all my ornaments for this tree are angels of some sort.  I wanted to put my tree up today, but couldn's afford it, so hopefully next weekend.

12. Do you/or have you decorated your yard for Christmas?

No - a few times I've done lights around the outside door, but that's about as creative as I get with it.

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 11:06 PM EST
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Friday, 7 December 2007
Tis the season?
Topic: Went Where? Did What?

Sami’s birthday came and went.  She is 14 now.  A half-year away from getting her working permit and only two years away from driving.  We have been practicing the "driving thing" in the cemetery. 

She's getting a pretty good handle on it, although is a little lead footed, or....  perhaps I am overly paranoid.  I was a speed demon as a teen and I'm surprised I made it through those years alive, not to mention without one single speeding ticket.  When I'm not in control of that wheel though, I hate speed. I am probablly one of the worst backseat drivers you will ever meet, although I do bite my tongue 75% of the time.  With Sam though, I don't, I constantly want her to go about 15 mph and want her to hold that foot on the break so she can be prepared.  Ok, yes, I am the paranoid one.... I'll admit, paranoia will destroy ya...




Samantha's birthday celebration this year was another milestone.  She had another sleepover – only this time we held it at a local Comfort Inn & Suites.  I had 75% discount coupon off of two rooms (which actually equalled 150.00 off and only a 35.00 charge) due to a bad experience at another Comfort Inn last year, so I took advantage of that and what a wonderful idea it turned out to be!  We had adjourning rooms, one room for 8 girls and one for little ole me.  It was the perfect set-up, giving them some privacy, yet close enough so I could keep an eye (or an ear) on the group of teens.  They didn’t do too badly, believe it or not, only one "talking-to" from hotel employees.  Running in the halls.... after my warning fell on deaf ears. There was an indoor pool where the kids swam, an exercise room and just the excitement of being at a hotel kept the kiddo’s hopping.  I thought of some fun games, which weren't too childish, yet kept them busy.  One was simply throwing a metal object into the pool and the first to come up with it got a $1.00.  I thought nothing of giving out the dollar to each winner, but they sure did!  The value of a dollar at that age.... huh?  Because they were 14 (most) they were able to swim without adult supervision and I headed upstairs to brainstorm ideas for a charades game, which we ended up playing most of the night, from about eleven until 1 a.m.. As usual, they only slept about an hour, but I got some unexpected sleep and we did have until 11 a.m. to check out and no clean up!  I’d do it again in a millisecond. No more sleepovers at home.  Even if I have to pay full price, it is well worth the money. 


Christmas is on the horizon and plans are coming at me quickly.  I am just not in the spirit, basically because of money.  I’ve decided that this year I am sending Sami on the Amtrak to my Mom’s for her 10 day vacation. This will be my first year not with her, but I don’t feel too badly about it because, like I said, I’m not really in the spirit anyway.  It’s time for her to visit Nana, Grampa and her Aunties again and Christmas is only once a year. It's such a big event in our family and I don't want her to have to miss the excitement of the Christmas traditions she has grown to love and that I cherish, living in a very large family.  I’d go myself, and I’m sure I’d enjoy myself once I got there, but I just can’t afford it this year.  I could afford the trip itself, for it’s not too expensive for Amtrak, or I could even drive, it’s mostly that I can’t afford all the gifts entailed in the visit. 


Work is steady and I’ve actually been getting a little bit of overtime each week, due to vacations of other employee’s this month.  I also had gotten a 2nd job taking care of an older woman on by days off.  HAD, being past tense.  I went in last Monday, to supposebly train and learn the woman's regular morning schedule.  I was actually left alone, after about 15 minutes of explanation. I was left to give out meds (which I'm not even sure I'm supposed to do and was not comfortable doing, told to give her insulin shots (which I have never done and ended up asking her husband to do it), left to help her stay continant (which was no big deal) and basically keep her company.  I showed her my cross-stitch and told her about my life.  I mentioned that I liked to read and that I thought it would be a great ritual to read a good book together, a chapter per visit. She couldn't see well enough to watch TV or read herself anymore and I really thought she would enjoy this... and I had just happened upon the "Perfect" book for her, at Becky's. The book, Saving Grace, takes place in her generation and is quite touching.  We enjoyed the chapter, it seemed... but about 6 hours after I left that day she apparently fell into a dementia of some sort, with emotional problems.  My first immediate thought was that I brought the emotional issues on by reading the book to her.  I wondered if maybe the reminiscing was just a bit too much?  But.... and thank heavens.... me being there that day was just a coincidence. They are calling it "venticular dementia" which does appear suddenly. She is in the hospital now, but her granddaughter says that she probably will need long-term care now, so the new job is out.


Just taking things one day at a time..... still.

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 8:17 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 7 December 2007 8:20 PM EST
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Thursday, 22 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! 

How did you spend your holiday?  I worked (but thats ok because it's double time) and missed the Macy's parade, which is one of my Thanksgiving traditions.  I so love to watch the Macy's parade.  For some reason this year just doesn't feel much like a holiday.  I don't know if it's the financial stress I'm under, because I'm not going home this year or if it's that I'm working.

I'll be heading up to Kevins Dad to have my dinner when I get out of work at about 6:30 ~ can't wait to eat!!! 

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 6:02 PM EST
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Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Spring into Fall







There's nothing quite like a fall day that feels like spring ~ so we headed to the River to let the dog get out a little energy (now that he is pent up).  It was really pretty and the perfect day!  































Posted by chrisseas-corner at 7:51 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 November 2007 4:12 PM EST
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Saturday, 10 November 2007
What's For Dinner?

Toby had Samantha's cell phone for supper Thursday night.....

my tennis shoes for supper last night.....

Today I am wearing socks to work.....

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 10:53 PM EST
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Friday, 9 November 2007
Will Work Weekend Woe



I am so super busy at work.  The amount of work I have, literally, could keep me here at work around the clock this weekend.  If, I didn’t have to sleep, that is.  I will be here at least until midnight tonight and will have to be back at noon to pull another 12 hours on both Saturday and Sunday.  Because Fall has arrived, we’ve put a 50% discount on all the online advertisements (which is what I create when I’m not working my obituaries) and people are just eating it up.  My work load has about doubled from this weekend to last.  So, if your looking for me, you know where I’ll be all weekend!  I will have my own "weekend" to look forward to though, Monday and Tuesday, which are my days off and will be spent continuing to try to get the new home completed.  I’m almost there…. 


I sure do need money right now and the more hours I can get at work the better!  When November rolls around each year, I find myself gasping for air, financially, and this year seems to be the worst yet.  November 26, 2007 is Samantha’s birthday (and Beckles’) and I have always treated her birthday as extra special, which is quite costly. This year I am really in a rough spot and don’t know what I am going to do about her birthday (and Christmas quickly coming right behind…).  My new budget for the new home, and because I am now paying for everything myself, leaves me nothing play with. I am completely at a loss as to what I am going to do.  I have always lived paycheck to paycheck, but I also always had a small amount to play with, $50 or $75, a grocery list I could shorten if need be or at least something I could borrow from Peter to pay Paul – but this year it just isn’t happening.  I can’t stand the worry.  I know that worrry does no good, but it’s not something I’ve yet learned to control ~ my worry about finances seems to be constant.  I will be so releaved when the New Year arrives.  It sucks because the whole situation kind of puts a damper on the holiday season!  


Things with Toby are rough too.  He has so much energy and because he’s not running free and getting that energy out, he’s super excitable when he’s in the house.  The house is so little and cramped as it is, could you even imagine dealing with an (over) 100 ld. German Shepherd, who is not even a year old yet.  He needs some way to get that energy out.  I feel so bad for him, yet I’m afraid now to let him run at all....  If I thought we could get away with it, I've already thought to let him out late at night, while everyones asleep, but I’m not sure we’d get away with it and although I usually live how I want vs. how others (government) tells me to, I'm not feeling comfortable with it and I've learned to follow that instinct.  I’m not sure who called animal control and I'd rather not find out.  I'd also rather not have a "fine" (why is a "fine" called a fine?  It's not really fine) or have Toby jailed, at this point. What little free time I will have this weekend will be spent on the parkway or at a river where he can run to get some of that pent up energy out. Something enjoyable and peaceful for me and Sam too... I just hope it’s not too cold this weekend……   

All I want is peace of mind.

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 9:44 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 November 2007 9:52 PM EST
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Saturday, 3 November 2007
A Rude Awakening
Topic: Arrrggh!

This is Toby, our German Shepherd.  Cute, isn't he?  He is georgous and very big ~ we love him very much!



So, I woke up this morning to a hard knock on my new front door. Low and behold, there stood a policeman.  I wasn't thrilled at this sight, to say the least and I still had sleep in my eyes and on my mind.  Can you even imagine being awoke by police at 9 a.m.?  Me either.

The police happened to end up being the Animal Control officer (thank god) and boy was I not happy that he had come knocking at 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning, not to mention that I was slightly angry he was on my doorstep at all.  He also happened to be an arrogant ass on a power trip, making my morning experience just oh so much better.  His first question was whether I owned a German Shepherd? Followed by "are you aware that there is a lease law in Montgomery County?" - "Yes I am but my dog got off his chain, sorry" (slight fib here)

He then proceded to ask me for my ID, which I refused to give him because why the hell does he need my ID? He’s at MY door.  I'm not driving and he's invading my space, big time.  (I really only refused because I actually don’t physically have an ID right now.  I lost my pocketbook a few months ago and am still procrastinating to get a copy, but still).  He said someone had called because my dog was not on a leash and that if he catches him free then he’ll “write me up”.


Yes, Toby was off the lease, however if there's anything I don't believe in, it's keeping a dog chained up. It’s not fair and I’d rather just not own a dog.  Toby is the sweetest dog ever, who, I admit, does have quite a bark to him, but for the few weeks that we have been at the new house he has never even left my yard.  He would just lay in my front yard and wasn’t hurting a soul.  He has run free since he was a puppy and he is not going to be a happy camper on a chain. 


This, ladies and gentleman, is a perfect example of why I love the country and why I hate living in a “neighborhood” with nosy ass neighbors who have nothing better to do than bother other peoples lives.  I’m kicking myself in the ass for not finding a place where Toby could run and now I’ve got to come up with other options ~ I don't plan on compromising my beliefs for long. 

I loved being surrounded fields and no people!  I’m on the lookout now and because I'm re-settled, I have the time to wait for the perfect, ideal situation.  Priorites are that it's in Sami’s school district, is affordable for myself and where Toby can run!  It might take me a year, but I’ll find it!

Posted by chrisseas-corner at 8:52 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 3 November 2007 8:56 PM EDT
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