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Wednesday, 3 September 2008
It's not Thursday!
Topic: Bloopers & Funnies

Anyone who visited me between 8:30 a.m. and now (9:40 a.m.) was truly confused... of this I am sure! I just created and posted a 13 Thursday and then started searching for other 13's to check out. I couldn't figure out why no one had posted this week!!! I literally visited about 6 blogs before I realized it was Wednesday!  Oh boy, where is my mind? Clearly a Chrissie moment!


I guess I 'll post this then.... which I originally completed in Dec. of 2006 (only a few of the answers have been changed) and had saved in my Draft Entries:

A-Z Meme

A - Available/Single? Single Mom   
B - Best Friend? Becky

C- Cake or Pie?  Cake - any of the "different" types like Lemon, Pineapple etc.
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? This computer, of course.
F - Favorite Colour?  I love ALL colors

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Gummy Bears
H - Hometown?  Massachusetts (Quincy, Hingham, Rockland, Hull)

I - Indulgence?  Lobster
J - January Or February? January - Mom's & Molly's birthday 
K - Kids & Their Names?  Samantha Rae 

L - Life Is Incomplete Without? My family & close friends

M - Marriage Date?  I read this as "marriage date" as in going out on a "date" and I was like... what the hell is a marriage date?  LOL Then light dawned on marble head and I realized it was asking for a date of your marriage... clearly another Chrissie moment - all in the same day! Wow.
N- Number Of Siblings? Three Sisters, Kim, Beth & Molly

O - Oranges Or Apples? Oranges

P - Phobias/Fears?  Spiders & people driving behind me at night
Q - Favorite Quote?  What is supposed to happen, Will!

R - Reason to Smile? Clearly Chrissie moments

S - Season?  Fall or Spring - both equally
T - Tag Three People?  Colleen, Becky & Brico (who probably won't do it... Dare ya!)
U - Unknown Fact About Me?  Lots of them, but none I'd admit to.
V - Vegetable you don’t like?  Lima Beans
W - Worst Habit?  Smoking

X - X-rays You’ve Had?  Toe, finger, leg 
Y - Your Favorite Food?  All Seafood 
Z - Zodiac Sign?  Aries


Posted by chrisseas-corner at 9:42 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 3 September 2008 10:22 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 3 September 2008 - 5:14 PM EDT

Name: "Janet"
Home Page:

"light dawned on marble head"<---roflmao!  Love this expression, can tell you're a true MA girl :-)

Wednesday, 3 September 2008 - 6:20 PM EDT

Name: "Becky68"
Home Page:

Augh! Not a Meme & not just a meme but one I have already done at least once!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008 - 6:39 PM EDT

Name: "Becky68"
Home Page:

Of Course you're still my best friend! Just next time give me the option to do a Meme!

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